Giving credit.

An important part of science is giving credit where credit is due. Below you can find all parts of this site and project that was not created by me. This includes the raw data, information I used in the creation of this interactive website as well as any images that were not my own.

S. frugiperda moth

This picture was found through one of the GBIF iNaturalist entries.

Taken by Victor Engel and uploaded under CC BY on Jul 17, 2020

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S. frugiperda info

This information was sourced on Featured Creatures from the University of Florida.

The information can be found the home page section dedicated to the species.

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Climate data

Current and future climate data was collected from the CHELSA  database. 

Used data at 30s resolution for both current and future data to predict occurrences as accurately as possible.

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S. frugiperda damage

This picture was found through one of the GBIF iNaturalist entries.

Taken by Kari Lamba and uploaded under CC BY-NY on Feb 06, 2023

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Future climate info

This information was sourced from Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum.

The information can be found in the section dedicated to the chosen climate conditions.

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Species occurrence data

Presence data was collected from GBIF. I downloaded all data that contained the species name under observation. 
The data was later filtered using R packages.

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S. frugiperda larva

This picture was found through one of the GBIF iNaturalist entries.

Taken by Ash Carter and uploaded under CC BY-NY on Dec 14, 2022

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Climate model info

A paper by C. F. McSweeney and collegues from 2015 was used to determine which CMIP5 GCM would be appropriate to use for future predictions. This paper specifically looked at Africa.

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Analysis references

For a climate zone map of South Africa to use in the analysis section I used a map created by Kim White in Sept 30, 2016.

This was based on the Koppen-Geier classification

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